Another Green Beret snuck by the guard early Sunday Morning on April 23rd, 2023. This consummate troublemaker left his family and friends without saying goodbye in what can only be described as the “final” word an elaborately made-up war story. Paul Range lived an incredible life that would be the subject of an epic award-winning movie if not so unbelievable. He grew up on a Ranch in the Panhandle of Texas under the thumb of a perfectionist father who was a Dr. of Veterinary medicine, who demanded that his children give 110% in everything they do, and then gave them reigns long enough to get into the most outrageous misadventures. From an early age until just days before his untimely escape from this earth, Paul loved old jeeps, and he especially loved driving those pieces of s**t at inordinately slow speeds, irritating other drivers and law enforcement alike.
As a Young man Paul earned his Eagle and has told many inappropriate stories about misadventures he got into as a scout. In fact, the Scouts have never been the same since, and many Scout rules exist today to prevent youth from recreating the Shenanigans he pulled as a young man. If you gave Paul a hard time, he would welcome a skirmish with a wry grin, ready to pull a various assortment of weapons from his person Mad Max style, being willing to take it to the ultimate level if need be. Paul could throw a knife with precision, fight like an angry mule, outshoot the best, and was willing to prove it if needed. He was a man who you did not cross lightly, however he had a heart of gold for those in need and would put the troubled poor of this earth often above his own family.
When Paul wasn’t reading a favorite book, watching a R rated favorite movie, telling a dirty joke, building another damned ugly school bus camper, or drinking coffee with all the old geezers in town at 5am, he was helping those in need.
He gave life liberty and soul to feeding the hungry, clothing those without, and helping veterans who suffered through life. Suffering Veterans especially touched Paul’s heart, since he too lived through horrors in Vietnam and lost many a brother, then only to be treated like trash when returning to an America in turmoil. Stories he told of Vietnam would wring the soul out of those who listened, or akin to Lincolnesque addresses, inspire audiences to acts of heroism in everyday life. A prize-winning novel could be written based upon Paul’s stories recounting his adventures. Of course, that novel would have to be able to change its storyline daily, become more embellished every time you read it, and eventually defy the laws of physics to the point of hysterics. Perhaps if someone wanted to write a book of summation for Paul’s life, they should write an educational book, because no matter the subject you tried to discuss with him, he knew the most about it, and probably had a doctorate in it from some outrageous online university somewhere. Irritatingly, he was usually somewhat right in his thesis arguments on any particular subject, if not so outrageously wrong that proving his wrongness was nearly impossible. Paul lived the double life of a staunch conservative, and a flower power hippy reject from the 70’s. He believed in free love and feral children, but also toting guns and Reagan era hands-off Government.
Paul would get kicked off Facebook weekly for assaulting some poor clueless liberal with mean words of bitter truth, then when released from Facebook jail, would post heartfelt pictures of his adventures helping those in need. He did everything he could to irritate Karen’s and busybodies, and with the same breath show an unparallel love for humanity in his work to help homeless and those in need. As a father he showed his love, not by attending sports events, demanding good grades, or standard boring dad stuff, but by teaching his kids, nieces, and nephews how fight, hunt, camp, survive in a tough world, and prepare for disaster. Paul’s claim to fame was being on the first episode of Doomsday Preppers, look it up, he really was.
Paul’s life was extraordinary to say the least and cannot be summated in this mere obituary. His list of survivors cannot be listed because those who survived him were not just living blood relatives and family, but countless lives he touched in his everyday shenanigans and devotion to helping others. Indeed, the loss his family feels will be nothing compared to those homeless trapped in the desert praying for help, but never again seeing Paul’s ridiculous solar powered cornucopia bus sputtering into camp with much needed love, food, clothing and sleeping bags.
Here are just a few of the things that Paul has been in his life: Rancher, Soldier, Mercenary, Assassin, Gold Miner, Log Cabin Maker, Prospector, Mountain Man, Train Brakeman, Computer Engineer, Biologist, Farmer, Hippy, Lover, Story Teller, Machinist, Meat Plant COO, Feed Store Clerk, Veterinary Assistant, Tinker, Bouncer, Chef, Construction Worker, House Builder, Business Owner, Traveling Salesman, Carpenter, Woodsman, Teacher, Poet, Artist, leatherworker, Pilot, Father, Brother, Husband, Grandpa, and Son.
Paul Range, we will miss you, and probably cuss you for years to come!
Gloria, Remy and Robert Range
Paul Range's Obituary will be in the next edition of Shamrock's "County Star-News". However you will need a hard copy edition, or online subscription to read it.
Gloria, Remy and Robert Range